Tuesday, July 7, 2015

Stephanie Ogle and the Washington Department of Ecology, Jefferson County Washington and the City of Port Townsend are NOT doing ENOUGH to Protect YOUR Rights to Breathe Clean NON-Toxic Air.

The Washington Department of Ecology is NOT doing their JOB of protecting the Ecology of Port Townsend Washington. In fact the Washington Department of Ecology is allowing the Port Townsend Paper Mill to pollute our air and water and to continue to use 14 MILLION Gallons of Water a day in a time of EMERGENCY drought.

Stephanie Ogle of the Washington Department of Ecology is assigned to regulate the Port Townsend Paper Mill and claims to follow up on all odor complaints. However, all this seems to be is to contact the mill and see if everything was normal and okey dokey on that day. The Mill says Ya all is well and well that is that. So it would seem that the Washington Department of Ecology is really out to protect the mill and not the water, air, soil, and people in Washington.

Kind of like asking a criminal if they committed the crime, of course they say NOPE sure didn't.

Stephanie Ogle and the Washington  Department of Ecology is not really a People BEFORE Profit sort of group. Yet they are paid by public dollars. 

The Bottom Line is the mill is, in my understanding of the laws, breaking the clean air, clean water and clean soil laws. They are harassing us constantly and ruining our legal right to quiet enjoyment of property. The Port Townsend Paper Mill, I allege, is breaking the Clean Air Act, and yes are committing crimes on the residents of Port Townsend.

The Washington Department of Ecology allegedly logs odor complaints, SO WHAT. They are supposed to protect the water, soil, air and people of Washington. Instead they protect the profits of the Crown Paper Group, not even based out of Washington.

Complaining about Odor is Futile. They don't do anything but pay us lip service.

The DOE and EPA does NOT address the poisons we are clearly breathing nor the massive clean water that is poisoned by the mill. And for WHAT? The alleged smell of MONEY.

That money smell is for the lung doctors, the mill owners, the investors and not for Port Townsend. There are clean jobs that could come in and there is tons of clean up jobs. The PT Mill gets grants and lot's of hand outs, plus they use 14 Million Gallons of water a day. SURELY there can be a way to create 400 jobs in PT without poisoning us and ruining our quality of life.

Stephanie Ogle of the Washington  Department of Ecology gets her deep investigative results from the mill itself. 

And she says "Generally speaking, the operations at the mill were normal and the air pollution control equipment was operating within their normal ranges. They did not have any leaks/spills/abnormal releases during that period."

What does "generally" MEAN? This is our precious air. We have a right to clean air. The harassing smell that the PT mill puts out is toxic and annoying. There is no such thing as generally speaking. WE WANT FACTS, and the Clean Air and Water Laws OBEYED. The Washington Department of Ecology is SUPPOSED to make sure the laws are followed and not CODDLE corporations.

What does "normal" and "normal ranges" MEAN? 

Normal Ranges is the PROBLEM. The Mill's NORMAL toxic spewing is poisoning us, harassing us, and is in violation of the Clean Air Act. It is wrong, immoral and I believe flat out against the law to put these toxins in our air and water daily. The NORMAL RANGES need to be stopped as they are unconstitutional, unlawful and a complete violation of citizen rights and property rights.

Stephanie Ogle also says;

"While the emissions from the mill are within their normal operations, the weather can have an amplifying affect on the odors that are generated at the facility. It has been hotter and more humid recently and it looks like there are have been some periods of low to no winds, which can also increase the intensity of the odors. This may be why the odors have been worse during the past week.
I will continue to request that they investigate the odor complaints and I will let you know if they do find anything outside of their normal operating ranges."

ENOUGH with the blaming the Weather. JUST Stop the source of the toxins and DO YOUR JOB. Stop mumbling about weather, generally and normally and get STRICT about what is really going on. Protect the people paying your wage. The mill is SERIOUS bad every single day it is operating REGARDLESS of humidity, wind, weather or other mumbo jumbo.

STOP LETTING THE Bad Guys Regulate themselves. STOP calling the perpetrator and asking them if they are committing the alleged crime. INVESTIGATE yourself. Monitor the Air, Obey the Law.

Contact Stephanie Ogle and tell her what you think

Stephanie Ogle, PE
W2R - Industrial Section

Complain to the Department of Ecology at 
Stephanie Ogle at stog461@ecy.wa.gov

Also Complain to the Port Townsend City Manager David Timmons, the Port Townsend Water Manager Ian Jablonski, and the Port Townsend Mayor.

It is the Job of the City of Port Townsend and Jefferson County to PROTECT your property rights, constitutional rights, rights to enjoy your property and to not be daily harassed and assaulted by horrible TOXIC odors.

Contact Information for the Above:

250 Madison Street, Suite 2
Port Townsend WA 98368
Phone: 360-379-5047
Fax: 360-385-4290


Complain to Ian Jablonski, City of Port Townsend water quality manager , ya know the guy that said to the PT leader that YOU should conserve water. Even though the mill uses 14 MILLION gallons a day. http://www.ptleader.com/news/drought-city-raises-lords-lake-a-second-time-this-year/article_e908d478-19f7-11e5-80cb-13bf9568a566.html

More City of Port Townsend Contact Information

City Council  Main:  

Position #1 Michelle Sandoval     msandoval@cityofpt.us

Position #2 Catharine Robinson     crobinson@cityofpt.us

Position #3 Deborah Stinson     dstinson@cityofpt.us

Position #4 Robert Gray     rgray@cityofpt.us

Position #5 Pamela Adams     padams@cityofpt.us

Position #6 - Mayor David King     dking@cityofpt.us

Position #7 - Deputy Mayor Kris Nelson     knelson@cityofpt.us

The City of Port Townsend can enact LAWS to protect your water, air and soil. Example Below
There Could be a Port Townsend Environmental Bill of Rights Like this City

The Mill and Washington Department of Ecology Refuses to Protect Port Townsend. So complain directly to the City and the County and Get the Mill Out of Our County, or at the least REALLY actually use new technology to clean the air. They are blatantly poisoning and harassing you, with NO transparency and NO accountability.

Complain to Jefferson County Commissioners. 

P.O. Box 1220
Port Townsend,
WA 98368

Phone: 360.385.9100

Link for More Contact Information

Sue the County and the Mill, and the DOE for violations of the Clean Air Act and more cause of actions.  Stand up for your Rights. It takes us all to STAND up United.

Complain to the Department of Ecology at 
Stephanie Ogle at stog461@ecy.wa.gov

Sue the Port Townsend Paper Mill like the story below

You can File an attorney general complaint and a Department of Justice Complaint. You don't have to have an attorney to file complaints nor to SUE all of the above. You have RIGHTS. No more settling for hey that's the Smell of MONEY.

The Port Townsend Paper Mill is NO Longer 
a Good Fit for the People of Port Townsend, PERIOD.

Also Check Out

Port Townsend Paper Mill Blog by Reverend Crystal Cox

Port Townsend Paper Mill Facebook Page by Reverend Crystal Cox

If you wish to email me, you can email ReverendCrystalCox@Gmail.com. Please note I may publish your email at my discretion and will most likely post all hate, simply for transparency.

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